Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Secret is a wonderful object to hold in life.The object is possessed by each and every living and non living thing on earth.Even the people who claim to be the biggest open books and who says that they spit what ever that come to their mind, has a secret to hold or share.A secret always exist between two things.For a living thing it will either be with its heart or with another living thing.Where as for a non living it share only with its heart. A non living thing may have a lot of secrets to share but it simply keeps it within.A secret has got a life.It starts with two entities.Later when ages pass by the number of entities increases and the secret gradually dies.This is not true for non living things.For them a secret is an eternal thing. The word secret has many shades.It varies with individuals.For me there are only 3 shades .Black,Grey and White. For every relation I made in life I have a secret to share.If some of my friends who reads this article think that they don’t have a secret to share with me,my reply would be you or your existence itself is a secret that many others who know me wont know.The moment a secret has taken birth either within or with an individual its color will be black. It is the heart which decides upon whether the secret should stay black or to pass it onto other shades.When a secret is between two individuals its just like a new born baby.When the shade changes to grey, it is during this time when the secret gets shared with more number of entities, the secret will be like a teenager with full of life and it turns out to be an eagerness or thrive to share the secret. As it gets passed onto many, old age of secret arrives. That is when for me, the secret turns white. And gradually it dies.My shades of secrets helps me to rejuvenate the relations I hold. There are many black secrets which I hold with my heart which I would like to make it grey and pass it on to my younger generation for them to laugh upon and also to think upon.I would prefer to have atleast one black secret in all my relations which never changes its color and will be shared only between the two.This one will be the life in all my relations and when the day comes, when I turn into ashes,the secret still exist and will stay eternal.
