Ready 1 2 3 smile please.
This no longer persist .Thanks to the digital supremacy. If the smile is not in one snap, it’s there in another. It gives us all the privilege to select and get the perfect one. If you don’t get the right emotion, right feel or the right frame, you’re always on the luxury to go for another one and get the best one out of it. That’s the way photography has advanced. For me photography is about capturing the moments and people important in life. Sceneries, wildlife, and all such things, you just have to Google it. It’s all there for you.
Photography is widespread passions which I can see in many grow and evolve. They talk about cameras, make, pixels, aperture, FPS, exposure etc. The common man is aware about pixels .If digital camera, first question, how many pixels? Pixels just allow you to grow on the snap. It was a dream of mine to be on a flux somewhere in the city. Not in underwear. Not coz am ashamed of it but I don’t have a six pack to flaunt.
“Time passes by as the evening sky floats into the night and awaits the sunrise” as said by someone but man didn’t want that to happen. He wanted every moment to be captured. He wanted the legends to be remembered. He invoked his creative side for this and came up with the most remarkable paintings .Only the blessed ones were able to paint rest were left to admire. This led to the invention of photography. Black and white pics were meant to project family values and status. Ready 1 2 3 gave the time for the entire family to show the pride on their face and give the best pose in the snap. The black and white pic would be nailed all around the family house. Oh! what a way to show the gen X about their roots.
Kids ,awww they just rock in snaps. They simply live up to the invention. The emotions they radiate are evident in the portraits. They are so innocent, that they don’t even know to fake emotions. Fake emotions come only when they are forced to give the smile they are not supposed to. Beta smile, oh! de poor cranky kid will be forced to give a smile. But if a parent is able to capture the entire naughtiness of a childhood, it will be a lifetime treasure.
Adulthood is where the entire invention is a flaw. I always wished the emotion quotient would be something in the spec of a camera which people would look forward to. The EQ level will turn out to be an important feature. College days is a glorified childhood .The snaps are simply memorable and they talk sense. Smiles, arms upon shoulders, kicks, kisses, everything is real. Spontanious reactions of the youth are best captured in a snap and simply roll out to the generation next. The photographer just needs to click, he gets the best moment he ever witnessed.
But when man advances in life, it gets tougher for the photographer. He needs to add something in the background to make the pic, the way it’s meant to be. Everything will have a different meaning. It makes everything feel better but reality sucks. Anything and everything for them in a snap makes a statement. A smiling family in a snap doesn’t mean that everything is perfect within them. A bunch of friends, arms upon shoulders, smiling all the way to glory doesn’t mean that they are the perfect friends in the world. The self is lost and they just have to fake, to be the best out there. This is where technology fails and human reign hails.
So to all the adults (word has lot of ambiguity) out there, flip through the Alma meter and see yourself .Nothing has changed, you can be the same. Let loose, EGO level zero and smile away to glory to give the best shot ever.
So it’s Ready 1 2 3 smile eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(scratch ur ass if possible)